Raytrix Light Field SDK  v3.1
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Rx::ApiLF Namespace Reference


 Calibration image types.
 Calibration grid mode.
 Error IDs of Raytrix API.
 Raytrix Light Field Image IDs.
 Metric calibration point filter. These enums are to be used as a filter when getting points from the metric calibration.
 Values that represent .
 The enum that represent the type of metric calibration algorithm.
 Metric calibration result.
 Mla Calibration Image.
 The main parameter enum of the Raytrix Light Field API.
 Parameter Data Type.
 Parameter group IDs.
 PIV particle descriptor types. These enums describe the type of descriptor used for sub-pixel refinement (gauss,sphere...)
 PIV particle rejection causes. These enums provide information on the cause of rejection. Valid particles have cause 'None'.
 Projection type that can be used with parameter EPar::Projection_Type.
 Radial image distortion types.
 Ray sequence file modes. These enums can be used as a bit mask to combine various modes.
 Values that represent the status message.
 Values that represent the status message group.
 Values that define the source of a status message.
 Describes the mapping of the value.
 Values that represent EWarning.


class  CRxApiAuthenticationException
 Lightfield Runtime Authentication Exception More...
class  CRxApiException
 Lightfield Runtime Exception More...
class  CStatusMessageDelegateList
struct  SStatusMessageDelegate


typedef void(__stdcall * TFuncCamImageCallback )(unsigned uCamIdx, void *pvContext)
 Function pointer type of the image callback function. More...
typedef void(__stdcall * TFuncStatusMessageCallback )(Rx::ApiLF::EStatusSource::ID eSource, Rx::ApiLF::EStatusMessage::ID eMsg, const char *pcSourceName, const char *pcMessage, int iValue, void *pvContext)
 Function pointer type of the status message callback function. More...


RXLF_API void RxAddStatusMessageHandler (Rx::ApiLF::TFuncStatusMessageCallback pFunc, void *pvContext)
 Registers a status message callback Function. This function will be called when a new Status Message is fired. More...
RXLF_API void RxAutoDepthPlanes ()
 Do an automatic adaption of the near/far clipping planes. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBBindCalib (const Rx::CRxString &sxGUID, bool bApplyWhiteImage)
 Applies the camera calibration defined by GUID sxGUID to the currently bound image in API. Also updates the computational class. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBBindCalibWhiteImage (unsigned &uRayHandle, const Rx::CRxString &sxGUID)
 Bind white image of calibration to API and use this image as white image too. Now you can calibrate a calibration without using a camera. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBBoundCameraNewCalib (Rx::CRxString &sxNewGUID)
 Creates a new calibration and returns the GUID of the newly created calibration in sxNewGUID. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBCameraNewCalib (Rx::CRxString &sxNewGUID, unsigned uCamIdx)
 Creates a new calibration and returns the GUID of the newly created calibration in sxNewGUID. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBCaptureBoundCalibWhiteImage ()
 Captures 5 image from camera and processes them to one white image that is stored in calibration database in current calibration. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBCaptureCalibWhiteImage (const Rx::CRxString &sxGUID)
 Captures 5 image from camera and processes them to one white image that is stored in calibration database in given calibration. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBCreateDataBase (const Rx::CRxString &sxCamHardwareId, bool bForce)
 Creates a new calibration database for camera with name sxCamHardwareId. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBCreateDataBaseForBoundCamera (bool bForce)
 Creates a new calibration database for bound camera. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBCreateDataBaseForCamera (unsigned uCamIdx, bool bForce)
 Creates a new calibration database for camera with ID uCamIdx. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBDeleteCalib (const Rx::CRxString &sxGUID)
 Deletes camera calibration with GUID sxGUID. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBGetCameraCalibGuidList (Rx::CRxArrayString &asxGUIDs, unsigned uCamIdx)
 Gets a Rx::CRxArrayString which contains unique IDs of all calibration for camera with given index uCamIdx. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBGetCameraMasterCalibGuid (Rx::CRxString &sxGUID, unsigned uCamIdx)
 Gets a Rx::CRxString which contains the GUID of the master calibration of this camera. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBGetCompleteCalibGuidList (Rx::CRxArrayString &asxGUIDs)
 Gets a Rx::CRxArrayString which contains GUIDs of all calibration on this computer. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBGetCompleteMasterCalibGuidList (Rx::CRxArrayString &asxGUIDs)
 Gets a Rx::CRxArrayString which contains GUIDs of all master calibration on this computer. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBLoadBoundCalibMetaData (Rx::CRxCalibMetaData &xCalibData)
 Gets the last applied calibration data. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBLoadCalibMetaData (Rx::CRxCalibMetaData &xCalibData, const Rx::CRxString &sxGUID)
 Gets Rx::CRxCalibMetaData for calibration with given GUID sxGUID. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBNewCalib (Rx::CRxString &sxNewGUID, const Rx::CRxString &sxCamHardwareId)
 Creates a new calibration and returns the GUID of the newly created calibration in sxNewGUID. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBReloadBoundCalib (bool bApplyWhiteImage)
 Applies the currently bound camera calibration to the current bound image in API. Also updates to the computational class. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBSaveBoundCalibMetaData (const Rx::CRxCalibMetaData &xCalibData)
 Sets calibration data to the last applied calibration. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBSaveCalibMetaData (const Rx::CRxCalibMetaData &xCalibData, const Rx::CRxString &sxGUID)
 Sets Rx::CRxCalibMetaData for calibration with given GUID sxGUID. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBUpdateAndSaveBoundCalib ()
 Gets calibration (The camera calibration) from current bound image and saves it to current calibration. Also saves database to disk. More...
RXLF_API void RxCalibDBUpdateAndSaveCalib (const Rx::CRxString &sxGUID)
 Gets (The camera calibration) from current bound image and saves it to the calibration defined by GUID sxGUID. Also saves database to disk. More...
RXLF_API unsigned RxCamBind (unsigned uCamIdx)
 Binds the given camera to the returned API image ID. Call RxCamUnBind to unbind the bound camera. Only one camera can be bound. Calling Rx::ApiLF::RxCamBind with another camera index results in an Rx::ApiLF::CRxApiException. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamClose (unsigned uCamIdx)
 Closes the given camera. If the given camera is currently bound, the camera is unbound before closing. Also, if the camera is in capture mode, the capturing is stopped before unbinding. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamDriverInit ()
 Initialize the camera drivers. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamGetPar (unsigned uCamIdx, EPar::ID ePar, Rx::CRxString &sxValue)
 Get a camera parameter of type Rx::CRxString. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamGetPar (unsigned uCamIdx, EPar::ID ePar, unsigned &uValue)
 Get a camera parameter of type unsigned integer. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamGetPar (unsigned uCamIdx, EPar::ID ePar, double &dValue)
 Get camera parameter of type double. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamGetPar (unsigned uCamIdx, EPar::ID ePar, Rx::CRxArrayString &aValue)
 Get camera parameter of type Rx::CRxArrayString. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamGetPar (EPar::ID ePar, Rx::CRxString &sxValue)
 Get a camera parameter of type Rx::CRxString from the currently bound camera. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamGetPar (EPar::ID ePar, unsigned &uValue)
 Get a camera parameter of type unsigned integer from the currently bound camera. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamGetPar (EPar::ID ePar, double &dValue)
 Get camera parameter of type double from the currently bound camera. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamGetPar (EPar::ID ePar, Rx::CRxArrayString &aValue)
 Get camera parameter of type Rx::CRxArrayString. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamGetParRange (unsigned uCamIdx, EPar::ID ePar, unsigned &uMin, unsigned &uMax)
 Get the parameter range of a camera parameter of type unsigned integer. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamGetParRange (unsigned uCamIdx, EPar::ID ePar, double &dMin, double &dMax)
 Get the parameter range of a camera parameter of type double. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamGetParRange (unsigned uCamIdx, EPar::ID ePar, Rx::CRxArrayUInt &auValues)
 Get a set of available values for a parameter of type unsigned integer. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamGetParRange (EPar::ID ePar, unsigned &uMin, unsigned &uMax)
 Get the parameter range of a camera parameter of type unsigned integer from the currently bound camera. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamGetParRange (EPar::ID ePar, double &dMin, double &dMax)
 Get the parameter range of a camera parameter of type double from the currently bound camera. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamGetParRange (EPar::ID ePar, Rx::CRxArrayUInt &auValues)
 Get set of available values for parameter of type unsigned. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamIsParameterSupported (unsigned uCamIdx, EPar::ID ePar, bool &bSupported)
 Test whether a camera parameter is supported by the selected camera. More...
RXLF_API bool RxCamIsParameterSupported (unsigned uCamIdx, EPar::ID ePar)
 Test whether a camera parameter is supported by the selected camera. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamIsParameterSupported (EPar::ID ePar, bool &bSupported)
 Test whether a camera parameter is supported by the currently bound camera. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamOpen (unsigned uCamIdx)
 Opens the given camera. Camera settings can only be accessed after a camera has been opened. THe first call to open initializes the camera too. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamRegister ()
 Register available cameras. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamRegisterImageCallback (Rx::ApiLF::TFuncCamImageCallback pFunc, void *pvContext)
 Register a callback function which is called when a new image is available. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamRemoveImageCallback ()
 Remove the image callback function. More...
RXLF_API bool RxCamRetrieveImage ()
 Retrieve a single image from the currently bound camera. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamSetPar (unsigned uCamIdx, EPar::ID ePar, const Rx::CRxString &sxValue)
 Set a camera property of type Rx::CRxString. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamSetPar (unsigned uCamIdx, EPar::ID ePar, const unsigned &uValue)
 Set a camera property of type unsigned integer. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamSetPar (unsigned uCamIdx, EPar::ID ePar, const double &dValue)
 Set a camera property of type double. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamSetPar (EPar::ID ePar, const Rx::CRxString &sxValue)
 Set a camera property of type Rx::CRxString from the currently bound camera. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamSetPar (EPar::ID ePar, const unsigned &uValue)
 Set a camera property of type unsigned integer from the currently bound camera. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamSetPar (EPar::ID ePar, const double &dValue)
 Set a camera property of type double. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamStartCapture ()
 Prepares the currently bound camera for capturing images. If the currently bound camera is already in capture mode, then the function throws an exception. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamStopCapture ()
 Stops capturing of the currently bound camera. If the camera is not in capture mode, the function simply returns without error. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamSuspendCapture (bool bSuspend)
 Suspend capturing images. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamTrigger ()
 Triggers capturing of a single image of the currently bound camera. The image can be retrieved by calling Rx::ApiLF::RxCamRetrieveImage. More...
RXLF_API void RxCamUnbind ()
 Unbinds a currently bound camera. If the bound camera is still capturing images, the capturing is stopped and then the camera is unbound. More...
RXLF_API void RxConvertImage (Rx::CRxImage &xDstImage, const Rx::CRxImage &xSrcImage, Rx::Interop::Runtime28::EPixelType::ID eDstPixelType, Rx::Interop::Runtime28::EDataType::ID eDstDataType)
 Convert a Rx::CRxImage to a new pixel and data type. More...
RXLF_API void RxConvertImage (Rx::Interop::Runtime28::IImage *pDstImage, const Rx::Interop::Runtime28::IImage *pSrcImage, Rx::Interop::Runtime28::EPixelType::ID eDstPixelType, Rx::Interop::Runtime28::EDataType::ID eDstDataType, bool bCreate)
 Convert a Rx::CRxImage to a new pixel and data type. More...
RXLF_API int RxCudaDeviceCount ()
 Returns the number of CUDA devices installed. More...
RXLF_API void RxCudaDeviceMemInfo (size_t &nFreeMem, size_t &nTotalMem)
 Return free and total amount of memory on the selected CUDA device. More...
RXLF_API void RxCudaDeviceProp (int iDevice, Rx::CRxString &sxName, unsigned &iCCMajor, unsigned &iCCMinor)
 Get the name and the compute capability major and minor version for a CUDA device. More...
RXLF_API void RxCudaSelectDevice (int iDevice=-1, bool bUseGL=false)
 Select a CUDA device. More...
RXLF_API void RxDepth3D ()
 Object space depth 3D. More...
RXLF_API void RxDepthColorCode ()
 Colorizes the depth map created by Rx::ApiLF::RxDepthMap.The result is stored in the image with the ID Rx::ApiLF::EImgID::Depth3D. More...
RXLF_API void RxDepthMap ()
 Creates a depth map from the ray depth image created by Rx::ApiLF::RxDepthRay. More...
RXLF_API void RxDepthRay ()
 Estimates the depth of the bound ray image and stores the result in the image with the ID Rx::ApiLF::EImgID::DepthRay. More...
RXLF_API void RxDongleGetID (int &iDngID, int &iRxID)
 Get the IDs of an attached dongle. More...
RXLF_API void RxFinalize ()
 Close any open cameras and free all memory allocated on CUDA device and in host memory. More...
RXLF_API void RxFreeImage (EImgID::ID eImgID)
 Frees memory used by image defined by eImgID. This invalidates the image. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetImage (EImgID::ID eImgID, Rx::CRxImage &xImage)
 Get an internal image. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetImage (EImgID::ID eImgID, Rx::Interop::Runtime28::IImage *pImage, bool bCreate)
 Get an internal image. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetImageDevicePointer (EImgID::ID eImgID, void *&pDevicePtr)
 Get the device pointer of an internal image. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetImageFormat (EImgID::ID eImgID, Rx::CRxImageFormat &xF)
 Get the image format of an internal image. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetImageHistogram (EImgID::ID eImgID, Rx::CRxArrayUInt &xHistogram, unsigned &uChannels)
 Calculates the histogram of the image with the given eImgID and stores the histogram data in the given array. This array must be large enough to hold 4 * 256 numbers. The number of calculated channels is returned in uChannels. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetImageMinMax (EImgID::ID eImgID, unsigned uChannel, float &fMin, float &fMax)
 Finds the minimum and maximum value of the given eImgID. More...
RXLF_API double RxGetLastExecTime ()
 Get last execution time of a CUDA algorithm. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetPar (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, unsigned &uValue)
 Gets the value of a parameter. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetPar (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, double &dValue)
 Gets the value of a parameter. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetPar (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, CRxString &sValue)
 Gets the value of a parameter. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetPar (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, CRxArrayUInt &auValue)
 Gets the value of a parameter. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetPar (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, CRxArrayDouble &adValue)
 Gets the value of a parameter. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetPar (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, CRxArrayString &asValue)
 Gets the value of a parameter. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetPar (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, unsigned uIndex, unsigned &uValue)
 Gets the value of an array parameter at the given index. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetPar (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, unsigned uIndex, double &dValue)
 Gets the value of an array parameter at the given index. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetPar (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, unsigned uIndex, CRxString &sValue)
 Gets the value of an array parameter at the given index. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetParName (EPar::ID ePar, Rx::CRxString &sValue)
 Get the string representation of a parameter. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetParProperties (EPar::ID ePar, Rx::CRxString &sValue, bool &bReadAccess, bool &bWriteAccess, EParameterDataType::ID &eParameterType)
 Get the Properties of a parameter. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetParRange (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, unsigned &uMin, unsigned &uMax)
 Get the value range of a parameter. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetParRange (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, double &dMin, double &dMax)
 Get the value range of a parameter. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetParRange (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, size_t &iMinCount, size_t &iMaxCount, unsigned &uMin, unsigned &uMax)
 Get the value range of an array parameter and the min and max allowed number of elements in the array. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetParRange (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, size_t &iMinCount, size_t &iMaxCount, double &dMin, double &dMax)
 Get the value range of an array parameter and the min and max allowed number of elements in the array. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetRegistryString (const Rx::CRxString &sxPath, Rx::CRxString &sxValue)
 Read a string from the Windows registry. More...
RXLF_API void RxGetReleaseDate (int &iDay, int &iMonth, int &iYear)
 Gets the release date of this version of the Raytrix Light Field Runtime. Can be called without initializing the API. More...
RXLF_API double RxGetTime ()
 Gets the current time in milliseconds as double value. More...
RXLF_API __int64 RxGetTime64 ()
 Gets the current time in milliseconds as 64 bit integer value. More...
RXLF_API void RxGlGetContext ()
 Assigns the OpenGL context created by Rx::ApiLF::RxCudaSelectDevice to the calling thread. More...
RXLF_API void RxGlGetTextureID (Rx::ApiLF::EImgID::ID eImgID, unsigned &uGlTextureID)
 Get the OpenGl texture ID corresponding to given parameter eImgID. The content of this texture can be updated with the Rx::ApiLF::RxGlUpdateTex function. More...
RXLF_API unsigned RxGlGetTextureID (Rx::ApiLF::EImgID::ID eImgID)
 Get the OpenGl texture ID corresponding to given parameter eImgID. The content of this texture can be updated with the Rx::ApiLF::RxGlUpdateTex function. More...
RXLF_API void RxGlGetVersion (int &iMajor, int &iMinor)
 Get OpenGL version of current OpenGL rendering context. More...
RXLF_API void RxGlReleaseContext ()
 Releases the OpenGL context owned by the calling thread. More...
RXLF_API void RxGlUpdateTex (unsigned uIntImgIDs, bool bCreateMipmaps=false)
 Copy CUDA result images to OpenGL textures. More...
RXLF_API void RxGrid ()
 Show a lens grid overlay on the raw ray image. More...
RXLF_API void RxGridDataImage ()
 Pre Process a ray image with a minimal Set of preprocessing parameter. More...
RXLF_API bool RxHasFeature (unsigned uFeatureIDs)
 Test whether the Dongle offers the given features. More...
RXLF_API bool RxHasFeature (Rx::Dongle::RuntimeFeature::ID eFeatureID)
 Test whether the Dongle offers a given feature. More...
RXLF_API void RxInit (bool bUseCUDA=true, const Rx::CRxString &sxLibPath="", const Rx::CRxString &sxCalibPath="", void *pvData=0)
 Initialize the Raytrix API. More...
RXLF_API bool RxIsImageValid (EImgID::ID eImgID)
 Test whether an internal image is valid. More...
RXLF_API void RxLoadParameter (const Rx::CRxString &sxFilename)
 Loads all writable API parameter from file. Its mandatory to bind a light field image before. More...
RXLF_API bool RxLockCudaMutex (int iTimeout)
 Locks the CUDA Mutex. More...
RXLF_API void RxLogConsoleAddMessage (Rx::ApiLF::EStatusSource::ID eSource, Rx::ApiLF::EStatusMessage::ID eMsg, const char *pcSource, const char *pcMessage, int iValue)
 Adds a message to the log console. More...
RXLF_API void RxLogConsoleClose ()
 Hides the log console. More...
RXLF_API void RxLogConsoleShow ()
 Shows the log console. Calling this method more than once has no effect. More...
RXLF_API void RxMapValue (double &dTrg, double dSrc, EValueMapping::ID eValueMapping)
 Map a given source value via the EValueMapping::ID eValueMapping. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibAddBoundImage (unsigned &nObjectId)
 Add the currently bound image to metric calibration. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibApplyCalibrationToBoundImage ()
 Apply the computed metric calibration to a newly bound image. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibEvaluatePointSpaceCoverage (CRxArrayDouble &aAreaCovered)
 Evaluate the metric calibration data set. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibExecute (Rx::ApiLF::EMetricCalibResult::ID &eResult, bool bCalibrateAfterInit=true)
 Performs the metric calibration. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibFinalize ()
 Clears the metric calibration. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibFindPoints (Rx::CRxImage &xRefocusedImage, Rx::CRxArray2DDouble &matPoints2D)
 Raytrix metric calib transform bound image to point model. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibGetAddImageResult (const unsigned uObjectId, Rx::CRxMetricCalibAddImageResult &smcAddObjectResult)
 Get result to an object id. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibGetAllObjectIds (CRxArrayUInt &aObjectIds)
 Get all valid object ids from the metric calibration. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibGetModelsList (Rx::CRxArray2DDouble &matModelsList)
 Get the list of all models extracted from the added image. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibGetPointConnections (const unsigned uId, const EMetricCalibPointType::ID ePointType, Rx::CRxArray2DDouble &matLines)
 Get All point connections. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibGetPointEllipses (const unsigned uId, const EMetricCalibPointFilter::ID ePointFilter, const Rx::CRxImageFormat &xTargetImageFormat, Rx::CRxArray2DDouble &matPointEllipses)
 Get the list of specific point ellipses. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibGetPoints (const unsigned uId, const EMetricCalibPointFilter::ID ePointFilter, const EMetricCalibPointType::ID ePointType, Rx::CRxArray2DDouble &matPoints)
 Get specific points from the models. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibGetRefocusedImage (const unsigned uObjectId, Rx::CRxImage &xImage)
 Get the refocused image from the metric calibration. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibGetResult (Rx::CRxMetricCalibResult &xMetricCalibResult)
 Evaluated the calibration result. That is, the error function of the calibration is executed once with the current parameter settings and mean residual, mean euclidean distance, min euclidean distance, max euclidean distance and the standard deviation. Note that this function also projects all test points of all test models to object space. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibInitialize (Rx::ApiLF::EMetricCalibrationType::ID eCalibrationType)
 Initialize metric calibration. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibLoadCalibration (const Rx::CRxString &sxFilename)
 Load a '.rxcalib' file from file system, containing a calibrated system. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibLoadPlanarModelData (const Rx::CRxString &sxFilename, CRxArrayUInt &aObjectIds)
 Load planar model data. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibProjectPointsIntoObjectSpace (const CRxArray2DDouble &matPoints2D, Rx::CRxImage &xDepthImage, CRxArray2DDouble &matPoints3D)
 Receive metric calib projection points into object space. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibRegisterCallbackFunctionWithMessageHandler (bool bRegister)
 Registers the callback function of the metric calibration to the api message handler. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibRemoveModelFromCalibrationSet (const unsigned nObjectId)
 Removes the models of the object given by its object id from the calibration set. Changes the result information related to this object id. You can receive the information of an object by calling Rx::ApiLF::RxMetricCalibGetAddImageResult. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibResetToNominal ()
 Reset the metric calibration to nominal values. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibSaveCalibration (const Rx::CRxString &sxFilename)
 Save the converged calibration result. More...
RXLF_API void RxMetricCalibSavePlanarModelData (const Rx::CRxString &sxFilename)
 Save planar model to filesystem. More...
RXLF_API void RxMlaCalibExecute (Rx::ApiLF::EMlaCalibResult::ID &eResult, bool bIgnoreImageQuality=true)
 Calibrate the micro lens image grid using white image from bound image. More...
RXLF_API void RxMlaCalibGetGridData (Rx::CRxArrayDouble &aLensCenter, float &fLensRadius, int iLensType)
 Get the lens center positions of given type in pixel coordinates. The corresponding lensRadius is returned. More...
RXLF_API bool RxMlaCalibParallelLightExecute ()
 Calibrate the MLA properties using a parallel light image. Calibration has to be augmented by a white-image calibration to be valid. More...
RXLF_API void RxMlaCalibRegisterCallbackFunction (bool bActivate)
 Enables/Disables progress callback of Rx::ApiLF::RxMlaCalibExecute / Rx::ApiLF::RxMlaCalibParallelLightExecute. More...
RXLF_API void RxMultiview ()
 Creates a multi view image and stores the result in the image with the ID Rx::ApiLF::EImgID::Multiview_ViewCamera. More...
RXLF_API void RxPreProcess ()
 Pre-Process a ray image. More...
RXLF_API bool RxProject (CRxArrayDouble &aTargetPoint, const CRxArrayDouble &aSourcePoint, Projection::ESpace::ID eTarget, Projection::ESpace::ID eSource)
 Projects an array of points from the given source space into the given target space. More...
RXLF_API void RxRayBind (unsigned uRayHandle)
 Bind a ray image to perform computations on. More...
RXLF_API void RxRayCalibLoadXML (unsigned uRayHandle, const Rx::CRxString &sxFilename)
 Load calibration data of ray image from XML file. More...
RXLF_API void RxRayCalibSaveXML (unsigned uRayHandle, const Rx::CRxString &sxFilename)
 Save calibration data of ray image in XML format. More...
RXLF_API void RxRayCalibXmlGet (unsigned uRayHandle, Rx::CRxString &sxXml)
 Get the calibration data of the given ray image as XML string. More...
RXLF_API void RxRayCalibXmlSet (unsigned uRayHandle, const Rx::CRxString &sxXml)
 Set the calibration data of the given ray image from a XML string. More...
RXLF_API void RxRayDelete (unsigned uRayHandle)
 Delete the image with the given ID. More...
RXLF_API void RxRayGetFormat (unsigned uRayHandle, Rx::CRxImageFormat &xF)
 Get the image format of a ray image. More...
RXLF_API void RxRayGetMetaData (unsigned uRayHandle, Rx::CRxMetaData &xMetaData)
 Get meta data of a ray image. More...
RXLF_API void RxRayGetRaw (unsigned uRayHandle, Rx::CRxImage &xRawImage)
 Get the ray image as Rx::CRxImage instance. More...
RXLF_API void RxRayGetRaw (unsigned uRayHandle, Rx::Interop::Runtime28::IImage *pRawImage, bool bCreate)
 Get the ray image. More...
RXLF_API unsigned RxRayLoad (const Rx::CRxString &sxFilename)
 Load a ray image. More...
RXLF_API unsigned RxRayNew (const Rx::CRxImageFormat &xF)
 Create a new ray image. More...
RXLF_API void RxRaySave (unsigned uRayHandle, const Rx::CRxString &sxFilename)
 Saves the ray image described by ID uRayHandle. More...
RXLF_API void RxRaySave (const Rx::CRxString &sxFilename)
 Saves the currently bound ray image. More...
RXLF_API unsigned RxRaySeqBind (unsigned uRaySeqHandle)
 Bind a ray sequence for use by other API functions. More...
RXLF_API unsigned RxRaySeqClose (unsigned uRaySeqHandle)
 Close a ray sequence. More...
RXLF_API void RxRaySeqGetFileSize (unsigned uRaySeqHandle, unsigned __int64 &uFileSize)
 Get the total file size of the ray sequence in bytes. More...
RXLF_API unsigned RxRaySeqGetFrameBufferUsedCount (unsigned uRaySeqHandle)
 Get number of frame buffers in use. More...
RXLF_API void RxRaySeqGetFrameCount (unsigned uRaySeqHandle, unsigned &uFrameCount)
 Get number of frames in ray sequence. More...
RXLF_API unsigned RxRaySeqGetFrameCount (unsigned uRaySeqHandle)
 Receive ray sequence get frame count. More...
RXLF_API unsigned RxRaySeqGetFrameCount ()
 Get number of frames in ray sequence that is currently bound in read mode. More...
RXLF_API unsigned RxRaySeqGetFrameIndex (unsigned uRaySeqHandle)
 Get current frame index of ray sequence. More...
RXLF_API bool RxRaySeqIsBound ()
 Determines if a sequence is bound for reading to the API. More...
RXLF_API void RxRaySeqMoveFrameIndex (unsigned uRaySeqHandle, int iStep)
 Move the frame index relative to the current position in the ray sequence. More...
RXLF_API unsigned RxRaySeqOpen (const Rx::CRxString &sxFilename, unsigned uMode, unsigned uFrameBufferCount)
 Open a ray sequence. Depending on the mode a ray sequence can be opened for reading or writing. More...
RXLF_API void RxRaySeqRead ()
 Read a frame from the currently bound ray sequence. More...
RXLF_API void RxRaySeqSetFrameIndex (unsigned uRaySeqHandle, unsigned uFrameIdx)
 Set the current frame index of ray sequence. More...
RXLF_API void RxRaySeqUnbind (unsigned uRaySeqHandle)
 Unbind a ray sequence. If a ray sequence in write mode is unbound, the currently bound ray image stays bound. No more images can be written to the ray sequence once it has been unbound, however, the ray sequence has not been closed. It can be bound again to write further ray images to it. More...
RXLF_API void RxRaySeqWrite ()
 Write currently bound ray image to currently bound ray sequence. More...
RXLF_API void RxRaySetMetaData (unsigned uRayHandle, const Rx::CRxMetaData &xMetaData)
 Set meta data of a ray image. More...
RXLF_API void RxRayUnbind ()
 Unbind the currently bound ray image. More...
RXLF_API void RxRefocusBasic ()
 Focus image to a plane perpendicular to the optical axis, i.e. parallel to the image plane. More...
RXLF_API void RxRemoveComputationFilterMask ()
 Removes the computation filter mask image set by Rx::ApiLF::RxSetComputationFilterMask. More...
RXLF_API void RxRemoveStatusMessageHandler (Rx::ApiLF::TFuncStatusMessageCallback pFunc, void *pvContext)
 Removes a registered message callback function. More...
RXLF_API void RxResizeImage (Rx::Interop::Runtime28::IImage *xDstImage, Rx::Interop::Runtime28::IImage *xSrcImage, int iDivider)
 Resize an image. More...
RXLF_API void RxSaveDepth3dMesh (const Rx::CRxString &sxFilename, const double dMaxEdgeLength=-1.0)
 Saves the 3D mesh provided by image 'Depth3D' to binary STL format. This requires a valid image computed by Rx::ApiLF::RxDepth3D. Triangles with a depth-variation larger than 'dMaxEdgeLength' for at least one vertex pair are not added to the mesh. More...
RXLF_API void RxSaveDepth3dMesh (const Rx::CRxString &sxFilename, const double dMaxEdgeLength, const double dCropLeftPerc, const double dCropRightPerc, const double dCropTopPerc, const double dCropBottomPerc)
 Saves the 3D mesh provided by image 'Depth3D' to binary STL format. This requires a valid image computed by Rx::ApiLF::RxDepth3D. Triangles with a depth-variation larger than 'dMaxEdgeLength' for at least one vertex pair are not added to the mesh. More...
RXLF_API void RxSaveDepth3dPointList (const Rx::CRxString &sxFilename)
 Saves the depth values of the current Depth3D image to the given file as a point list. More...
RXLF_API void RxSaveDepth3dPointList (const Rx::CRxString &sxFilename, const double dCropLeftPerc, const double dCropRightPerc, const double dCropTopPerc, const double dCropBottomPerc)
 Saves the depth values of the current Depth3D image to the given file as a point list. More...
RXLF_API void RxSaveParameter (const Rx::CRxString &sxFilename)
 Saves all writable API parameter to file. Its mandatory to bind a light field image before. More...
RXLF_API void RxSetComputationFilterMask (const Rx::CRxImage &xImage)
 Sets the computation filter mask image. More...
RXLF_API void RxSetComputationFilterMask (const Rx::CRxString &sxFilename)
 Sets the computation filter mask image. More...
RXLF_API void RxSetImage (EImgID::ID eImgID, const Rx::CRxImage &xImage)
 Set an internal image. More...
RXLF_API void RxSetImage (EImgID::ID eImgID, const Rx::Interop::Runtime28::IImage *pImage)
 Set an internal image. More...
RXLF_API void RxSetPar (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, unsigned uValue)
 Sets the value of a parameter. More...
RXLF_API void RxSetPar (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, double dValue)
 Sets the value of a parameter. More...
RXLF_API void RxSetPar (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, const CRxString &sValue)
 Sets the value of a parameter. More...
RXLF_API void RxSetPar (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, const CRxArrayUInt &auValue)
 Sets the value of a parameter. More...
RXLF_API void RxSetPar (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, const CRxArrayDouble &adValue)
 Sets the value of a parameter. More...
RXLF_API void RxSetPar (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, const CRxArrayString &asValue)
 Sets the value of a parameter. More...
RXLF_API void RxSetPar (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, unsigned uIndex, unsigned uValue)
 Sets the value of an array parameter at the given index. More...
RXLF_API void RxSetPar (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, unsigned uIndex, double dValue)
 Sets the value of an array parameter at the given index. More...
RXLF_API void RxSetPar (Rx::ApiLF::EPar::ID ePar, unsigned uIndex, const CRxString &sValue)
 Sets the value of an array parameter at the given index. More...
RXLF_API void RxSleep (unsigned uTime)
 Pause calling thread for the given number of milliseconds. More...
RXLF_API void RxTotalFocus ()
 Focus on a depth surface. More...
RXLF_API void RxUnlockCudaMutex ()
 Unlocks the CUDA Mutex. More...