Raytrix Light Field SDK  v3.0
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Raytrix Camera API functions

Functions for working with Raytrix cameras. More...


delegate void Rx::Net::ApiLF::CamImageAvailableHandler (System::UInt32 uCamIdx)
 Handler, called when the camera image available. More...
delegate void Rx::Net::ApiLF::CamImageCallbackHandler (System::UInt32 uCamIdx, void *pvContext)
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBBindCalib (System::String^ sGUID, System::Boolean bApplyWhiteImage)
 Applies calibration (The camera calibration) defined by GUID sGUID to the currently bound image in API. Also updates the computational class. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBBindCalibWhiteImage (System::UInt32% uImgID, System::String^ sGUID)
 Bind white image of calibration to API and use this image as white image too. Now you can calibrate a calibration without using a camera. More...
static System::String^ Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBBoundCameraNewCalib ()
 Creates a new calibration. More...
static System::String^ Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBCameraNewCalib (unsigned uCamIdx)
 Creates a new calibration. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBCaptureBoundCalibWhiteImage ()
 Captures 5 image from camera and processes them to one white image that is stored in calibration database in current calibration. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBCaptureCalibWhiteImage (System::String^ sGUID)
 Captures 5 image from camera and processes them to one white image that is stored in calibration database in given calibration. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBCreateDataBase (System::String^ sCamHardwareId, System::Boolean bForce)
 Creates a new calibration database for camera with name sxCamHardwareId. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBCreateDataBaseForBoundCamera (System::Boolean bForce)
 Creates a new calibration database for bound camera. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBCreateDataBaseForCamera (System::UInt32 uCamIdx, System::Boolean bForce)
 Creates a new calibration database for camera with ID uCamIdx. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBDeleteCalib (System::String^ sGUID)
 Deletes camera calibration with GUID sGUID. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBGetCameraCalibGuidList (array< System::String^ >^%asGUIDs, System::UInt32 uCamIdx)
 Gets an array which contains unique IDs of all calibration for camera with given index uCamIdx. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBGetCameraMasterCalibGuid (System::String^ %sGUID, System::UInt32 uCamIdx)
 Gets a string which contains the GUID of the master calibration of this camera. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBGetCompleteCalibGuidList (array< System::String^ >^%asGUIDs)
 Gets a array which contains GUIDs of all calibration on this computer. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBGetCompleteMasterCalibGuidList (array< System::String^ >^%asGUIDs)
 Gets a string array which contains GUIDs of all master calibration on this computer. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBLoadBoundCalibMetaData (Rx::Net::CalibMetaData^ %xCalibData)
 Gets the last applied calibration data. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBLoadCalibMetaData (Rx::Net::CalibMetaData^ %xCalibData, System::String^ sGUID)
 Gets Rx::Net::CalibMetaData for calibration with given GUID sGUID. More...
static System::String^ Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBNewCalib (System::String^ sCamHardwareId)
 Creates a new calibration and returns the GUID of the newly created calibration. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBReloadBoundCalib (System::Boolean bApplyWhiteImage)
 Applies the currently bound camera calibration to the current bound image in API. Also updates to the computational class. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBSaveBoundCalibMetaData (Rx::Net::CalibMetaData^ xCalibData)
 Sets calibration data to the last applied calibration. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBSaveCalibMetaData (Rx::Net::CalibMetaData^ xCalibData, System::String^ sGUID)
 Sets Rx::Net::CalibMetaData for calibration with given GUID sGUID. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBUpdateAndSaveBoundCalib ()
 Gets calibration (The camera calibration) from current bound image and saves it to current calibration. Also saves database to disk. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBUpdateAndSaveCalib (System::String^ sGUID)
 Gets (The camera calibration) from current bound image and saves it to the calibration defined by GUID sGUID. Also saves database to disk. More...
static System::UInt32 Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamBind (System::UInt32 uCamIdx)
 Binds the given camera to the returned API image ID. Call RxCamUnBind to unbind the bound camera. Only one camera can be bound. Calling Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamBind with another camera index results in an Rx::Net::ApiLF::CRxApiException. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamClose (System::UInt32 uCamIdx)
 Closes the given camera. If the given camera is currently bound, the camera is unbound before closing. Also, if the camera is in capture mode, the capturing is stopped before unbinding. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamDriverInit ()
 Initialize the camera drivers. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetPar (System::UInt32 uCamIdx, Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, System::String^ %sValue)
 Get a camera parameter of type System::String. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetPar (System::UInt32 uCamIdx, Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, System::UInt32% uValue)
 Get a camera parameter of type unsigned integer. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetPar (System::UInt32 uCamIdx, Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, System::Double% dValue)
 Get camera parameter of type double. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetPar (System::UInt32 uCamIdx, Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, array< System::String^ >^%aValue)
 Get camera parameter of type 'array<System::String^>'. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetPar (Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, System::String^ %sValue)
 Get a camera parameter of type System::String from the currently bound camera. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetPar (Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, System::UInt32% uValue)
 Get a camera parameter of type System::UInt32 from the currently bound camera. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetPar (Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, System::Double% dValue)
 Get camera parameter of type System::Double from the currently bound camera. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetPar (Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, array< System::String^ >^%aValue)
 Get camera parameter of type string array. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetParRange (System::UInt32 uCamIdx, Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, System::UInt32% uMin, System::UInt32% uMax)
 Get the parameter range of a camera parameter of type unsigned integer. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetParRange (System::UInt32 uCamIdx, Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, System::Double% dMin, System::Double% dMax)
 Get the parameter range of a camera parameter of type double. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetParRange (System::UInt32 uCamIdx, Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, array< System::UInt32 >^%auValues)
 Get a set of available values for a parameter of type array<System::UInt32>. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetParRange (Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, System::UInt32% uMin, System::UInt32% uMax)
 Get the parameter range of a camera parameter of type unsigned integer from the currently bound camera. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetParRange (Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, System::Double% dMin, System::Double% dMax)
 Get the parameter range of a camera parameter of type double from the currently bound camera. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetParRange (Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, array< System::UInt32 >^%auValues)
 Get set of available values for parameter of type array<System::UInt32>. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamIsParameterSupported (System::UInt32 uCamIdx, Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, System::Boolean% bSupported)
 Test whether a camera parameter is supported by the selected camera. More...
static System::Boolean Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamIsParameterSupported (System::UInt32 uCamIdx, Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar)
 Test whether a camera parameter is supported by the selected camera. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamIsParameterSupported (Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, System::Boolean% bSupported)
 Test whether a camera parameter is supported by the currently bound camera. More...
static System::Boolean Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamIsParameterSupported (Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar)
 Test whether a camera parameter is supported by the currently bound camera. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamOpen (System::UInt32 uCamIdx)
 Opens the given camera. Camera settings can only be accessed after a camera has been opened. THe first call to open initializes the camera too. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamRegister ()
 Register available cameras. More...
static System::Boolean Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamRetrieveImage ()
 Retrieve a single image from the currently bound camera. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamSetPar (System::UInt32 uCamIdx, Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, System::String^ sValue)
 Set a camera property of type System::String. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamSetPar (System::UInt32 uCamIdx, Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, System::UInt32 uValue)
 Set a camera property of type unsigned integer. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamSetPar (System::UInt32 uCamIdx, Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, System::Double dValue)
 Set a camera property of type double. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamSetPar (Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, System::String^ sValue)
 Set a camera property of type System::String from the currently bound camera. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamSetPar (Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, System::UInt32 uValue)
 Set a camera property of type unsigned integer from the currently bound camera. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamSetPar (Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar ePar, System::Double dValue)
 Set a camera property of type double. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamStartCapture ()
 Prepares the currently bound camera for capturing images. If the currently bound camera is already in capture mode, then the function throws an exception. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamStopCapture ()
 Stops capturing of the currently bound camera. If the camera is not in capture mode, the function simply returns without error. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamSuspendCapture (System::Boolean bSuspend)
 Suspend capturing images. This function stops the data transfer between camera and computer but keeps all other capture settings. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamTrigger ()
 Triggers capturing of a single image of the currently bound camera. The image can be retrieved by calling Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamRetrieveImage. More...
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamUnbind ()
 Unbinds a currently bound camera. If the bound camera is still capturing images, the capturing is stopped and then the camera is unbound. More...


static CamImageAvailableHandler^  Rx::Net::ApiLF::CamImageAvailable [add, remove, raise]
 Event queue for all listeners interested in CamImageAvailable events. More...

Detailed Description

Functions for working with Raytrix cameras.

Function Documentation

delegate void Rx::Net::ApiLF::CamImageAvailableHandler ( System::UInt32  uCamIdx)

Handler, called when the camera image available.

uCamIdxZero-based index of the camera.
delegate void Rx::Net::ApiLF::CamImageCallbackHandler ( System::UInt32  uCamIdx,
void *  pvContext 
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBBindCalib ( System::String^  sGUID,
System::Boolean  bApplyWhiteImage 

Applies calibration (The camera calibration) defined by GUID sGUID to the currently bound image in API. Also updates the computational class.

There must be a bound image before calling this function.
[in]sGUIDGUID of the calibration which should be applied to bound image.
bApplyWhiteImageIf true, the current white image is replaced by the one from the given calibration.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBBindCalibWhiteImage ( System::UInt32%  uImgID,
System::String^  sGUID 

Bind white image of calibration to API and use this image as white image too. Now you can calibrate a calibration without using a camera.

This function returns the image ID of the bound white image in uImgID.

After using this image, you have to delete it to free the memory by calling Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxRayDelete.
[out]uImgIDImage ID of the bound white image.
[in]sGUIDThe GUID of the calibration.
static System::String ^ Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBBoundCameraNewCalib ( )

Creates a new calibration.

The GUID of the newly created calibration.
static System::String ^ Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBCameraNewCalib ( unsigned  uCamIdx)

Creates a new calibration.

uCamIdxid of a camera.
The GUID of the newly created calibration.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBCaptureBoundCalibWhiteImage ( )

Captures 5 image from camera and processes them to one white image that is stored in calibration database in current calibration.

static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBCaptureCalibWhiteImage ( System::String^  sGUID)

Captures 5 image from camera and processes them to one white image that is stored in calibration database in given calibration.

[in]sGUIDThe GUID of the calibration.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBCreateDataBase ( System::String^  sCamHardwareId,
System::Boolean  bForce 

Creates a new calibration database for camera with name sxCamHardwareId.

If a calibration database for this camera already exists, a new one will only be created if bForce is true. Otherwise a Rx::Net::RxException is thrown.

[in]sCamHardwareIdType of the camera.
bForceFlags whether to overwrite an existing database or not.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBCreateDataBaseForBoundCamera ( System::Boolean  bForce)

Creates a new calibration database for bound camera.

If a calibration database for this camera already exists, a new one will only be created if bForce is true. Otherwise a Rx::Net::ApiLF::CRxApiException is thrown.

bForceFlags whether to overwrite an existing database or not.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBCreateDataBaseForCamera ( System::UInt32  uCamIdx,
System::Boolean  bForce 

Creates a new calibration database for camera with ID uCamIdx.

If a calibration database for this camera already exists, a new one will only be created if bForce is true. Otherwise an Rx::Net::RxException is thrown.

uCamIdxZero-based index of the camera.
bForceFlags whether to overwrite an existing database or not.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBDeleteCalib ( System::String^  sGUID)

Deletes camera calibration with GUID sGUID.

If there is no calibration database for given parameters, an Rx::Net::RxException is thrown.
[in]sGUIDThe GUID of the calibration to delete.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBGetCameraCalibGuidList ( array< System::String^ >^%  asGUIDs,
System::UInt32  uCamIdx 

Gets an array which contains unique IDs of all calibration for camera with given index uCamIdx.

[out]asGUIDsArray of GUIDs.
uCamIdxZero-based index of the camera.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBGetCameraMasterCalibGuid ( System::String^ %  sGUID,
System::UInt32  uCamIdx 

Gets a string which contains the GUID of the master calibration of this camera.

[out]sGUIDSystem::String of GUID.
uCamIdxZero-based index of the camera.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBGetCompleteCalibGuidList ( array< System::String^ >^%  asGUIDs)

Gets a array which contains GUIDs of all calibration on this computer.

Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
[out]asGUIDsarray of GUIDS.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBGetCompleteMasterCalibGuidList ( array< System::String^ >^%  asGUIDs)

Gets a string array which contains GUIDs of all master calibration on this computer.

[out]asGUIDsstring array of GUIDS.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBLoadBoundCalibMetaData ( Rx::Net::CalibMetaData^ %  xCalibData)

Gets the last applied calibration data.

[out]xCalibDataInformation describing the calibration.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBLoadCalibMetaData ( Rx::Net::CalibMetaData^ %  xCalibData,
System::String^  sGUID 

Gets Rx::Net::CalibMetaData for calibration with given GUID sGUID.

[out]xCalibDataThe calibration data.
[in]sGUIDThe GUID of the calibration.
static System::String ^ Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBNewCalib ( System::String^  sCamHardwareId)

Creates a new calibration and returns the GUID of the newly created calibration.

[in]sCamHardwareIdUnique identifier for the new calibration.
The GUID of the newly created calibration.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBReloadBoundCalib ( System::Boolean  bApplyWhiteImage)

Applies the currently bound camera calibration to the current bound image in API. Also updates to the computational class.

There must be a bound image before calling this function.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
bApplyWhiteImageIf true, the current white image is replaced by the one from the given calibration.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBSaveBoundCalibMetaData ( Rx::Net::CalibMetaData xCalibData)

Sets calibration data to the last applied calibration.

[in]xCalibDataInformation describing the calibration.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBSaveCalibMetaData ( Rx::Net::CalibMetaData xCalibData,
System::String^  sGUID 

Sets Rx::Net::CalibMetaData for calibration with given GUID sGUID.

Only certain parameters will be considered. The GUID, camera serial and camera type cannot be set.

[in]xCalibDataThe calibration data.
[in]sGUIDThe GUID of the calibration.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBUpdateAndSaveBoundCalib ( )

Gets calibration (The camera calibration) from current bound image and saves it to current calibration. Also saves database to disk.

There must be a bound image before calling this function.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCalibDBUpdateAndSaveCalib ( System::String^  sGUID)

Gets (The camera calibration) from current bound image and saves it to the calibration defined by GUID sGUID. Also saves database to disk.

There must be a bound image before calling this function.
[in]sGUIDGUID of the calibration which should be saved.
static System::UInt32 Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamBind ( System::UInt32  uCamIdx)

Binds the given camera to the returned API image ID. Call RxCamUnBind to unbind the bound camera. Only one camera can be bound. Calling Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamBind with another camera index results in an Rx::Net::ApiLF::CRxApiException.

The internal ray image with ID returned by this function is not deleted from memory when camera is unbound. It has to be deleted explicitly using Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxRayDelete when it is no longer needed.
The parameter Rx::Net::ApiLF::CamCap_FrameBuffer_TotalCount should be changed before Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamBind is called. Otherwise this parameter has no effect.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
uCamIdxZero-based index of the camera.
The ray image handle of the image into which camera images are captured.
See also
Bind a Camera.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamClose ( System::UInt32  uCamIdx)

Closes the given camera. If the given camera is currently bound, the camera is unbound before closing. Also, if the camera is in capture mode, the capturing is stopped before unbinding.

Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
uCamIdxThe zero-based index of the camera to close.
See also
Close a Camera
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamDriverInit ( )

Initialize the camera drivers.

This function uses the path given in Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxInit as sxLibPath, or the default lib path as stored in the registry, to search for the camera driver DLLs (RaytrixCamera_*.dll), loads and initializes them. This function has to be called before any other Raytrix API camera function.

Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetPar ( System::UInt32  uCamIdx,
Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
System::String^ %  sValue 

Get a camera parameter of type System::String.

If the parameter referenced by ePar does not relate to a string parameter a Rx::Net::RxException is thrown.
Not all parameters may be supported by all Raytrix cameras.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
uCamIdxThe zero-based camera index.
eParThe camera parameter. Allowed parameters from Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar are:
[out]sValueThe returned string value.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetPar ( System::UInt32  uCamIdx,
Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
System::UInt32%  uValue 

Get a camera parameter of type unsigned integer.

If the parameter referenced by ePar does not relate to an unsigned integer parameter an Rx::Net::RxException is thrown.
Not all parameters may be supported by all Raytrix cameras.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
uCamIdxThe zero-based camera index.
eParThe camera parameter ID. Allowed parameters from Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar are:
[out]uValueThe returned unsigned integer value.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetPar ( System::UInt32  uCamIdx,
Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
System::Double%  dValue 

Get camera parameter of type double.

If the parameter referenced by ePar does not relate to an double parameter an Rx::Net::RxException is thrown.
Not all parameters may be supported by all Raytrix cameras.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
uCamIdxThe zero-based camera index.
eParThe camera parameter. Allowed parameters from Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar are:
[out]dValueThe returned double value.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetPar ( System::UInt32  uCamIdx,
Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
array< System::String^ >^%  aValue 

Get camera parameter of type 'array<System::String^>'.

If the parameter referenced by ePar does not relate to a string-array parameter an Rx::Net::RxException is thrown.
Not all parameters may be supported by all Raytrix cameras.
uCamIdxThe zero-based camera index.
eParThe camera parameter.
[out]aValueThe returned double value.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetPar ( Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
System::String^ %  sValue 

Get a camera parameter of type System::String from the currently bound camera.

If the parameter referenced by ePar does not relate to a string parameter an Rx::Net::RxException is thrown.
Not all parameters may be supported by all Raytrix cameras.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
eParThe camera parameter. Allowed parameters from Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar are:
[out]sValueThe returned string value.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetPar ( Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
System::UInt32%  uValue 

Get a camera parameter of type System::UInt32 from the currently bound camera.

If the parameter referenced by ePar does not relate to an unsigned integer parameter an Rx::Net::RxException is thrown.
Not all parameters may be supported by all Raytrix cameras.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
eParThe camera parameter. Allowed parameters from Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar are:
[out]uValueThe returned unsigned integer value.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetPar ( Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
System::Double%  dValue 

Get camera parameter of type System::Double from the currently bound camera.

If the parameter referenced by ePar does not relate to an double parameter an Rx::Net::RxException is thrown.
Not all parameters may be supported by all Raytrix cameras.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
eParThe camera parameter ID. Allowed parameters from Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar are:
[out]dValueThe returned double value.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetPar ( Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
array< System::String^ >^%  aValue 

Get camera parameter of type string array.

If the parameter referenced by ePar does not relate to an string-array parameter an Rx::Net::RxException is thrown.
Not all parameters may be supported by all Raytrix cameras.
eParThe camera parameter.
[out]aValueThe returned string array value.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetParRange ( System::UInt32  uCamIdx,
Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
System::UInt32%  uMin,
System::UInt32%  uMax 

Get the parameter range of a camera parameter of type unsigned integer.

Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
uCamIdxThe zero-based camera index.
eParThe camera parameter. Allowed parameters from Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar are:
[out]uMinOn return the minimal parameter value.
[out]uMaxOn return the maximal parameter value.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetParRange ( System::UInt32  uCamIdx,
Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
System::Double%  dMin,
System::Double%  dMax 

Get the parameter range of a camera parameter of type double.

Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
uCamIdxThe zero-based camera index.
eParThe camera parameter. Allowed parameters from Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar are:
[out]dMinOn return the minimal parameter value.
[out]dMaxOn return the maximal parameter value.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetParRange ( System::UInt32  uCamIdx,
Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
array< System::UInt32 >^%  auValues 

Get a set of available values for a parameter of type array<System::UInt32>.

Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
uCamIdxThe zero-based camera index.
eParThe camera parameter.
[out]auValuesThe list of available values.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetParRange ( Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
System::UInt32%  uMin,
System::UInt32%  uMax 

Get the parameter range of a camera parameter of type unsigned integer from the currently bound camera.

Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
eParThe camera parameter. Allowed parameters from Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar are:
[out]uMinOn return the minimal parameter value.
[out]uMaxOn return the maximal parameter value.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetParRange ( Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
System::Double%  dMin,
System::Double%  dMax 

Get the parameter range of a camera parameter of type double from the currently bound camera.

Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
eParThe camera parameter. Allowed parameters from Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar are:
[out]dMinOn return the minimal parameter value.
[out]dMaxOn return the maximal parameter value.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamGetParRange ( Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
array< System::UInt32 >^%  auValues 

Get set of available values for parameter of type array<System::UInt32>.

Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
eParThe camera parameter.
[out]auValuesThe list of available values.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamIsParameterSupported ( System::UInt32  uCamIdx,
Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
System::Boolean%  bSupported 

Test whether a camera parameter is supported by the selected camera.

All camera and camera calibration parameters can be tested with this function. Use this function to test whether certain parameters are available or not. For example, the parameters: EPar::Cam_Focus, EPar::Cam_Iris, EPar::Cam_Func_CalibMainLens are only available if a camera is attached that allows the direct control of the main lens.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
uCamIdxThe zero-based camera index.
eParThe camera parameter ID.
[in]bSupportedOn return indicates whether the parameter ePar is supported or not.
static System::Boolean Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamIsParameterSupported ( System::UInt32  uCamIdx,
Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar 

Test whether a camera parameter is supported by the selected camera.

All camera and camera calibration parameters can be tested with this function. Use this function to test whether certain parameters are available or not. For example, the parameters: EPar::Cam_Focus, EPar::Cam_Iris, EPar::Cam_Func_CalibMainLens are only available if a camera is attached that allows the direct control of the main lens.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
uCamIdxThe zero-based camera index.
eParThe camera parameter ID.
True if the parameter is supported, otherwise false.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamIsParameterSupported ( Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
System::Boolean%  bSupported 

Test whether a camera parameter is supported by the currently bound camera.

All camera and camera calibration parameters can be tested with this function. Use this function to test whether certain parameters are available or not. For example, the parameters are only available if a camera is attached that allows the direct control of the main lens.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
eParThe camera parameter.
[out]bSupportedOn return indicates whether the parameter ePar is supported or not.
static System::Boolean Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamIsParameterSupported ( Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar)

Test whether a camera parameter is supported by the currently bound camera.

All camera and camera calibration parameters can be tested with this function. Use this function to test whether certain parameters are available or not. For example, the parameters are only available if a camera is attached that allows the direct control of the main lens.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
eParThe camera parameter.
On return indicates whether the parameter ePar is supported or not.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamOpen ( System::UInt32  uCamIdx)

Opens the given camera. Camera settings can only be accessed after a camera has been opened. THe first call to open initializes the camera too.

If initialization fails, an Rx::Net::ApiLF::CRxApiException is thrown that holds the reason of failure.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
uCamIdxThe zero-based index of the camera to open.
See also
Open a Camera.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamRegister ( )

Register available cameras.

This functions registers all cameras that are currently available. Only registered cameras can be used by the Raytrix API. This function can be called repeatedly to update the list of available cameras. This function has to be called after Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamDriverInit and before any other API camera functions.

Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
static System::Boolean Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamRetrieveImage ( )

Retrieve a single image from the currently bound camera.

This function only returns after an image has been retrieved by the camera and is available on the CUDA device. The camera image is retrieved into the image referenced by the ray image handle returned by the function Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamBind. It is also automatically copied onto the CUDA device, so that all processing of the light field image can be done purely on the CUDA device without repeated copying of the light-field image from host to device memory.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
true if an image was available, false otherwise.
See also
Retrieve Images from a Raytrix Camera.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamSetPar ( System::UInt32  uCamIdx,
Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
System::String^  sValue 

Set a camera property of type System::String.

If the parameter referenced by ePar does not relate to an unsigned integer parameter an Rx::Net::RxException is thrown.
Not all parameters may be supported by all Raytrix cameras.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
uCamIdxThe zero-based camera index.
eParThe camera parameter. Allowed parameters from Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar are:
[in]sValueThe returned System::String value.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamSetPar ( System::UInt32  uCamIdx,
Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
System::UInt32  uValue 

Set a camera property of type unsigned integer.

If the parameter referenced by ePar does not relate to an unsigned integer parameter an Rx::Net::RxException is thrown.
Not all parameters may be supported by all Raytrix cameras.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
uCamIdxThe zero-based camera index.
eParThe camera parameter. Allowed parameters from Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar are:
uValueThe unsigned integer value.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamSetPar ( System::UInt32  uCamIdx,
Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
System::Double  dValue 

Set a camera property of type double.

If the parameter referenced by ePar does not relate to an double parameter an Rx::Net::RxException is thrown.
Not all parameters may be supported by all Raytrix cameras.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
uCamIdxThe zero-based camera index.
eParThe camera parameter. Allowed parameters from Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar are:
dValueThe double value.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamSetPar ( Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
System::String^  sValue 

Set a camera property of type System::String from the currently bound camera.

If the parameter referenced by ePar does not relate to an unsigned integer parameter an Rx::Net::RxException is thrown.
Not all parameters may be supported by all Raytrix cameras.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
eParThe camera parameter. Allowed parameters from Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar are:
[in]sValueThe string value.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamSetPar ( Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
System::UInt32  uValue 

Set a camera property of type unsigned integer from the currently bound camera.

If the parameter referenced by ePar does not relate to an unsigned integer parameter an Rx::Net::RxException is thrown.
Not all parameters may be supported by all Raytrix cameras.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
eParThe camera parameter. Allowed parameters from Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar are:
uValueThe unsigned integer value.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamSetPar ( Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar  ePar,
System::Double  dValue 

Set a camera property of type double.

If the parameter referenced by ePar does not relate to an double parameter an Rx::Net::RxException is thrown.
Not all parameters may be supported by all Raytrix cameras.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
eParThe camera parameter. Allowed parameters from Rx::Net::ApiLF::EPar are:
dValueThe double value.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamStartCapture ( )

Prepares the currently bound camera for capturing images. If the currently bound camera is already in capture mode, then the function throws an exception.

Calling this function does not actually capture any images but prepares the camera for capturing images. The function also reads the calibration data of the currently bound camera from the path set as sxCalibPath in Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxInit.
Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
See also
Start the capture process of a Camera
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamStopCapture ( )

Stops capturing of the currently bound camera. If the camera is not in capture mode, the function simply returns without error.

Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
See also
Start the capture process of a Camera
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamSuspendCapture ( System::Boolean  bSuspend)

Suspend capturing images. This function stops the data transfer between camera and computer but keeps all other capture settings.

Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
bSuspendTrue to suspend camera capture and false to restart camera capture.
See also
Start the capture process of a Camera.
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamTrigger ( )

Triggers capturing of a single image of the currently bound camera. The image can be retrieved by calling Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamRetrieveImage.

Halcon Plugin - Function Name:
See also
Retrieve Images from a Raytrix Camera
static System::Void Rx::Net::ApiLF::RxCamUnbind ( )

Unbinds a currently bound camera. If the bound camera is still capturing images, the capturing is stopped and then the camera is unbound.

Halcon Plugin - Function Name:


CamImageAvailableHandler^ Rx::Net::ApiLF::CamImageAvailable

Event queue for all listeners interested in CamImageAvailable events.